Edward Sheriff Curtis Photographs
The gallery features a large body of vintage photogravures by the world's greatest photographer of the Indian people - Edward Sherrif Curtis. We offer high quality vintage work from “The North American Indian” portfolios and volumes printed by Curtis between 1899 and 1927. "The great changes in practically every phase of the Indian’s life that have taken place, especially within recent years, have been such that the time for collecting much of the material, both descriptive and illustrative, herein recorded, been delayed, it would have been lost forever. The passing of the old man or woman means the passing of some tradition, some knowledge or sacred rites possessed by no other; consequently the information that is to be gathered, for the benefit of future generations, respecting the mode of life of one of the great races of mankind, must be collected at once or the opportunity will be lost for all time. It is this need that has inspired the present task."
Edward S. Curtis From his foreword to volume I” The North American Indian” 1907 If there is a particular image or images you are looking for you may call or email us with a request. We also can authenticate Edward Curtis photographs if you bring them in to show us.
Son of the Desert |
Chief Joseph |
Mosa-Mohave |